Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Old Meets New (and vice versa)

We are theatreANON!  A new theatre company here in Los Angeles.  Our efforts have a two part focus:

  1. Re-interpreting the classics.  Now, we're using the word "classics" a little broadly here, to include more than Shakespeare or Aeschyllus or Chekhov.  Rather this will include classics of literature, myth, and also those modern classics such as August Wilson and Tennesee Williams.  Our first full production falls into this camp, a radical edit/interpretation of Shakespeare's play about the "crook-back'd king" re-titled RICHARD III: HOUR OF THE TYRANT.  Very topical, one might say.
  2. Original works echoing the classics.  Again this does not mean simply things like O'Neil's Mourning Becomes Elektra or Stoppard's Rosencranz and Guildenstern Are Dead, but theatre that references, draws inspiration from classics (as defined above).  Right now we have plans to do a staged reading/concert of Omen Kaine's MASOCH & DeSADE, very much in the style/flavor of Edgar Allan Poe but set in a modern day gothic bar, and touching on the haunting influence Europe has had on the world.
More news to follow, but here is a teaser of our first production: